Security Program

It Starts At The Top - Executives & Security
by John Svazic/ on 15 Sep 2020

It Starts At The Top - Executives & Security

All successful organizations know one thing - direction is important. In most organizations, that direction starts with the executive leadership team, working together, to ensure a common path forward for the company.

Security Program
Security Is Like An Onion
by John Svazic/ on 08 Sep 2020

Security Is Like An Onion

Oen of the things that drive me absolutely crazy is when a security vendor advertises their solution as an “all in one” solution that will meet all your needs.

Security Program
So you need a security program - Part 1
by John Svazic/ on 13 Jan 2020

So you need a security program - Part 1

Happy New Year everyone! It’s 2020, and I felt that we should start the year (and the decade) by building a foundation for cyber security at any organization, namely a security program.