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EliteSec Blog

Penetration Testing
Find The Best Penetration Testing Service In Waterloo
by John Svazic/ on 19 Sep 2022

Find The Best Penetration Testing Service In Waterloo

Penetration testing is a necessity for any serious business. It might sound strange, but essentially, you need someone you can trust to “hack” into your system before the real bad guys get the chance.

Supply Chain
Supply Chain Threats - The Solar Winds Hack
by John Svazic/ on 22 Dec 2020

Supply Chain Threats - The Solar Winds Hack

On December 13th, 2020 news had broken that SolarWinds, had fallen victim to a cybersecurity campaign by a foreign state actor.

Cyber Security Awareness Month - IoT Week
by John Svazic/ on 27 Oct 2020

Cyber Security Awareness Month - IoT Week

It’s October, which means it is Cyber Security Awareness Month! The entire month of October is dedicated to raising awareness for cyber security in our everyday lives, and I feel the next few weeks of blog entries should reflect that.